The contributions to the Gender Glossary stand out with a descriptive and discursive approach to the topics, respectively the interrelation of normative and discursive perspectives. If thematically appropriate, the contributions should make critical references to bi-normative gender and heteronormative, ableist and racialised orders, contain references to diverse, individual gender constructions and identities, make marginalised and activist positionings recognisable, reflect their own (privileged) scientific site-dependency and be written from postcolonially informed and sociocritical perspectives.
Structure of the articles
Please make sure - especially in the case of items that are also used in other topical contexts - that the focus of your contribution is within the field of gender studies. Contributions from the field of diversity research with intersectional references to the topic of ''gender'' are also welcome.
Structure your contribution in sections that follow content-related and/or systematic criteria and number the sections chronologically. The section number is to be given in square brackets at the end of each section. Do not use footnotes or endnotes. Glossary articles usually begin with the dictionary definition.
The term Doing Gender focuses on how people act, observe and make gender relevant in everyday interactions. It is a central concept of interactionist gender research. Doing Gender concerns actions with which actors signal that they belong to one gender (e.g. ways of conducting conversations, walking and sitting, behaviour towards one's own body and that of others, such as who looks at whom, when, how and for how long). Moreover, it is interesting how people relate to this membership (e.g. affirmatively, ritualistically, ironically, critically or subversively). Finally, Doing Gender refers to the practical knowledge that is necessary to understand these signals and to relate to the gender action of others, for example to evaluate whether this action is appropriate, out of place, strange or incomprehensible. Gender action is not a normative concept and does not necessarily mean behaving in a 'particularly masculine' or 'particularly feminine' way according to a convention. Gender action means "managing situations in such a way that, regardless of the details, the outcome appears to be gender appropriate [...] or possibly gender inappropriate, in any case accountable" (West & Zimmerman, 1987, p. 135; author's translation). More abstractly, Doing Gender thus refers to repertoires and schemes of action, perception and evaluation that function and become intelligible by taking up gender classifications. [1]
From: Westheuser, Linus (2018). Doing Gender. In Gender Glossary / Gender Glossary (5 paragraphs). Available at
If the contribution you are working on is dealing with a controversial term/approach, it is particularly important to clarify from which perspective the contribution approaches the subject matter. Include the most important positions concerning the respective topic and present them in a nuanced way. Structure your contribution according to key aspects and avoid (unnecessary) linguistic images or metaphorical formulations.
If you find that too many perspectives, historical dimensions, political aspects, scientific traditions, etc. need to be considered for one contribution, please try to structure the contribution more compactly, to theorise more strongly or think about a sensible division of the topic into two or more contributions.
How long should the submission be?
The length of an article should not exceed 9,000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography).
All entries will also be published with a summary in plain language. Please make sure to also submit a summary in simplified form (about 1,500 characters incl. spaces). The summary will be checked for comprehensibility by the editorial staff and adjusted if necessary.
Please refrain from using specific formatting. Italics are generally allowed if they are used to mark foreign words that are mentioned for the first time in the text or if they refer to a specific term (e.g. “white”, see above). Avoid longer insertions in brackets. Instead, integrate content into the sentence structure. When using inverted commas, please observe the following conventions:
Direct quotes: Double inverted commas at the bottom and top; “ “; e.g.: Structures of domination are “the product of an incessant (i.e. historical) work of reproduction“ (Bourdieu, 2013, p.65) and thus neither immutable, nor timeless. (cf. 1 at the end of the text; unfortunately, due to the web design, footnotes cannot be displayed as usual).
Distancing and demarcation: single inverted commas below and above; ‚‘; e.g.: Foucault traces the history of the ‚abnormal‘ through court records and educational literature.
Use single inverted commas only when justified by the content, as they have a high connotative effect in the above-mentioned function, similar to metaphors, and can make your text less comprehensible.
Citation and sources
Please use as few long direct quotations as possible. Since the glossary texts are in formats with a small number of characters, longer direct quotations should only be used if they
a) are indispensable for an understanding of the subject matter in question, or
b) are frequently cited in the research field, so that they must be counted as part of the constitutive inventory of the subject matter.
Apart from this, please use the technique of paraphrasing, which allows quoted content to be presented pointedly and succinctly.
When quoting and citing sources, please adhere to our guidelines listed below and make use of the simplified option of submitting your bibliographical references electronically with the help of literature management software. Amongst others you can find our style guidelines in the Citavi literature management software under the citation style "Gender Glossary".
All usual literature management programmes’ standard formats (such as Citavi, EndNote, Mendeley, ProCite, Zotero, etc.) can be used and accordingly literature data can be submitted in the formats RIS, EndNote Tagged and BibTeX with the file format extensions *.ris, *.ovd, *.bib or *.enw. In the specification of the cited literature it is explicitly desired to use digital and permanent identification references such as Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Uniform Resource Name (URN) or ShortDOI and to add these to the usual specifications.
Examples of references in the bibliography:
Firestone, Shulamith (1987). Frauenbefreiung und sexuelle Revolution (Fischer-Bücherei, Vol. 4701). Frankfurt/Main: Fischer.
Edited by:
Kraß, Andreas (Ed.) (2003). Queer denken. Gegen die Ordnung der Sexualität (Queer Studies) (Edition Suhrkamp, Vol. 2248). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Contribution to anthologies:
Soiland, Tove (2011). Zum problematischen Cultural Turn in der Geschlechterforschung. In Rita Casale & Edgar Forster (Ed.), Ungleiche Geschlechtergleichheit. Geschlechterpolitik und Theorien des Humankapitals (Jahrbuch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft, Vol. 7, pp. 17– 32). Opladen: Budrich.
Article in journals:
Venn, Couze (1997). Beyond Enlightenment? After the Subject of Foucault, Who Comes? Theory, Culture & Society, 14 (3), pp. 1–28.
Internet documents:
Rendtorff, Barbara (2012). Warum Geschlecht doch etwas Besonderes ist. Accessed 13.05.2016. Available at
Examples of (short) citations in the text:
References in the text are to be given with the author’s surname, the year of publication and the exact page number/page range:
Single author: (Koch, 1984, pp. 6-8) (cf. 2).
Two authors: Both authors are named throughout the text (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 2006, p. 15) (cf. 3).
Three to five authors: At the first mention, all authors are to be mentioned (Biebl, Mund & Volkening, 2007) (cf. 4). For all further mentions, please name one author and add "et al." (Biebl et al., 2007) (cf. 5).
More than five authors: Please name the first author and add "et al. " (Mecheril et al., 2013) (cf. 6).
Corporate authors: The first time the name of the corporate body is mentioned in full, it is supplemented by the common abbreviation in square brackets (Bundesverfassungsgericht [BVerfG], 1971) (cf. 7). For all further mentions, the name may be abbreviated (BVerfG, 1971) (cf. 8).
If the date of first publication is relevant, please add it in the running text in square brackets and in the bibliography by adding "(original work published)”.
(Arendt, 2003 [1958], p. 299) (cf. 9).
Arendt, Hannah (2003). Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben (Serie Piper, vol. 3623, 2. ed.). Munich: Piper (original work published 1958).
If you refer to several literature sources in a single short citation, please arrange them according to relevance.
„Innerhalb der Soziologie stand der Aufstieg der Perspektive im Kontext eines kultursoziologischen Booms, der
neben einer verstärkten Hinwendung zu Diskursphänomenen auch eine Wiederentdeckung der sozialen Praxis beinhaltete (Schatzki, Cetina & Savigny, 2001; Reckwitz, 2003, 2004; Carrigan, Connell & Lee, 1985).“
Please do not use “ebd.” / “ibid.” (ebenda) or “a. a. O.” (“am angeführten Ort”) or similar abbreviations. Instead, always indicate the exact page span referred to (no "f." or "ff.").
Only list the sources in the bibliography which are also referred to in the text. Secondary citations should only be used in exceptional cases; e.g Lehrer erscheinen „als erotisch […] verkrüppelt gerade auch als Geschlechtswesen“ (Adorno, 1969, zitiert nach Ricken, 2007, S. 27). (vgl. 10)
Pay attention to the topicality of the literature you use and try to focus on standard texts of the respective literary canon relevant to you.
Gender- and diversity-sensitive and non-discriminatory language use
Please note:
Refrain from using generic masculines/feminines.
Use masculine and feminine terms only when referring exclusively or explicitly to women/men/girls/boys, etc.
Use gender-neutral terms and/or resort to colon marking. If gender-neutral terms are not available, please mention the (conventionalised) genders completely.
When referring to terms such as "black" and "white", check whether and how it is appropriate to use the notation recommended by Eggers; Kilomba; Piesche & Arndt (2009) (cf. 11), Arndt & Ofuatey-Alazard (2011) (cf. 12) and Sow (2009) (cf. 13), among others.
Contact and submission
Please submit contributions via e-mail to the editors of the Gender Glossary. Please hand in your text in *.docx or *.odt format only. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, you can contact the editors of the Gender Glossary at any time.
Bourdieu, Pierre (2013): Die männliche Herrschaft. 2nd ed. Berlin: Suhrkamp (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch).
Koch, Gertrud (1984). Psychoanalyse des Vorsprachlichen. Das anthropologische Konzept der Psychoanalyse in der Kritischen Theorie. Frauen und Film (36), pp. 5–9.
Bourdieu, Pierre & Wacquant, Loïc J. D. (2006). Reflexive Anthropologie (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, vol. 1793). Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp.
Biebl, Sabine; Mund, Verena & Volkening, Heide (Eds.) (2007). Working girls. Zur Ökonomie von Liebe und Arbeit (Copyrights, Vol. 21). Berlin: Kadmos.
Compare footnote no. 7
Mecheril, Paul; Arens, Susanne; Fegter, Susann; Hoffarth, Britta; Klingler, Birte; Machold, Claudia; Menz, Margarete; Plößer, Melanie & Rose, Nadine (2013). Differenz unter Bedingungen von Differenz. Zu Spannungsverhältnissen universitärer Lehre. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Bundesverfassungsgericht (04.11.1971) 2 BvR 493/66. BVerfGE 32, p. 173.
Compare footnote no. 10
Arendt, Hannah (2003). Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben (Serie Piper, Vol. 3623, 2nd ed.). München: Piper (Originalarbeit erschienen 1958).
Ricken, Norbert (2007). Über die Verachtung der Pädagogik. Eine Einführung. In Norbert Ricken (Eds.), Über die Verachtung der Pädagogik. Analysen – Materialien – Perspektiven (pp. 15–40). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (Eds.) (2015). Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache (2nd corrected ed.). Ein kritisches Nachschlagewerk. Münster: Unrast.
Eggers, Maureen Maisha; Kilomba, Grada; Piesche, Peggy & Arndt, Susan (Eds.) (2009). Mythen, Masken und Subjekte. Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland (2nd revised ed.). Münster: Unrast.
Sow, Noah (2009). Deutschland Schwarz Weiß. Der alltägliche Rassismus (Vol. 15575, 4th ed.). Munich: Goldmann.